Q4 2024 Meeting Notes

Erie Art Company

Agenda Q3 – Q4 /  2024 

Call to order: November 17th / 6pm

Old News: EACo Agenda Q2-Q3 2024

Need to send Thank you letter ( please volunteer )

  1. Vincent Brocki
  2. Rebecca Styn
  3. Kara Gladney
  4. Curtis Thomas
  5. Cynthia Leopold
  6. Betsy Butoryak
  7. Country Fair, Inc.


  1. Lake Erie Lit Fest 
    1. What a success
      1. Estimate 400 people 
      2. Gave away 250 bags of books
      3. Gannons poet ( foul Language even though we told them it was family)
      4. The Author’s tent also did well and sold well. Tessa has an analysis
      5. Music / Performers should be up on the upper lawn with the vendors
        1. Very Little action
        2. Matty B’s Sound Production was excellent
      6. Workshops were great but some logistic issues with bathrooms and visibility.
  1. Takeaways:
    1. I was really impressed with the team of new coordinators
    2. We do need more helpers for each coordinator.
      1. We need one separate coordinator to manage volunteers
    3. LITFEST Team  wants to do a Multi-Day Event
      1. Special Events 
    4. We applied for $5000 to start next year
      1. Erie County Grant
    5. We need to do a close out Grant Report for ECGRA
      1. Brad to complete
    6. I want to throw an event where we celebrate the LIT FEST Team
      1. Promote LIT Fest
      2. Promote Werner
      3. EACo Holiday Party
      4. Invite Sponsors
      5. Money People
      6. People to work next year
      7. FUN