Meeting Notes Q4/2023

 Erie Art Company

Agenda November  2023 w/ meeting notes

Call to order: Brad Ford, Margo Wolfe , Garrett Skindell, Theresa Gamble

Meeting is a working dinner at BrewErie 5:30 pm 


Irving Literary Festival September 2023

  1. What worked ?
    1. Book-binding demonstration
    2. Book Swap for Adults–give a book, take a
      1. Edward said he made money and was happy
    3. Book Give-a-Way
      1. Diverse titles are also essential
      2. Gave Away 400 Books – leftover donated to Library and books Galore
    4. Book Crafts tent
      1. Bookmark making– Big Hit Thank you Theresa
    5. Gazebo
      1. Poets – All got Paid – No complaints
        1. Audiences where confused of times
      2. Music – Doug Phillips need a Thank you 
      3. Drag – some issue with a neighbor because of Drag Queen
    6. Volunteers – They did good , we need more , someone to manage volunteers of board members
  2. Other
  3. What did not work ?
    1. Food Trucks
    2. Thank god for Popcorn  ( Theresas Sister)
      1. Maybe add cotton Candy
      2. Maybe Grills and Coolers
        1. Maple – Jan Woods


Erie Gives: $900

Erie insurance : $5000

New Members Request: Michelle Pacy, Edward Kranz ( see introductions)

Next year projects

  • AmeriMasala Prep?
  • FEED video public art 
  • EDDC Ascend

Grant updates:

  • Project proposal for $25,000
    • Will update in Q1 2024

Meeting Adjourned 8:00 pm

 Erie Art Company

Agenda February 04,  Q1 2024

Call to Order:

Old Business: 

  1. Vote to accept meeting Notes November 2023
  2. Vote to approve Annual Report

New Business:

  1. New Grant Awarded: EAC Flex Fund for operations $5,000

Grants to apply for:

  1. NEA Grant: grants for Arts Projects (GAP) provides expansive funding opportunities to strengthen the nation’s arts and cultural ecosystem. Grants are available for arts projects in a wide variety of artistic disciplines. Each discipline has identified the types of projects that are of greatest interest within this program as well as the characteristics of competitive applications.
    1. Applicants may request cost share/matching grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000.
    3. Deadline : February 
  2. ARC Initiative- To provide affordable studio space, business resources, professional development opportunities, and a supportive community for artists of all discipline
  3. Mobile Digital Gallery : Push back to April round of Funding
  4. Weaving Time into Pixels: Digital Storytelling and Historic Preservation with Feed
  1. Amerimasala: What can we do?
    1. Website is up:
  1. Thank you Postcards: Vote to Approve Postage of $200 ish